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Stages of Contract Management:

  • Contract Creation: Involves drafting the contract terms, clauses, and conditions. It requires input from legal teams, business stakeholders, and negotiation between parties.

  • Negotiation: This is the stage where parties discuss the terms, often revising them to reach mutually beneficial outcomes. It's crucial to clearly define roles, responsibilities, timelines, and costs.

  • Execution: Once both parties agree on the terms, the contract is signed. Modern contract management tools often offer e-signature options.

  • Monitoring and Compliance: After the contract is in place, it must be monitored to ensure that both parties are meeting their obligations. Performance metrics, deadlines, and financial obligations are often tracked at this stage.

  • Renewal or Termination: At the end of the contract term, it can either be renewed, renegotiated, or terminated depending on the circumstances.

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